Antivirus and disinfection

Reliable effects have been proven, and world-standard evidence-acquired products!
Safe and secure antivirus with electrolyzed silver ion water Made in Japan
There are two types of sunsilver electrolyzed silver ion water. Silver ions that do not harm health even if they enter the body are excellent in durability, and ethanol (alcohol) enters has an immediate effect against viruses. ?q virus block Ag ?? is effective for the constant disinfection such as air spraying, and ?q virus block Ag AL ?rwas effective for the periodic disinfection to the place where there is no person and the disinfection of adult's hands. We recommend using it wisely according to the application!

It is an effective product for a wide range of infection control by synergistic effects of silver ions and ethanol.
  • Silver ions enter nuclear viruses and bacteria, destroying cells and indestructing them.
  • Eranol is a virus or bacteria that deprives heat and moisture by air

  1. More than 60% alcohol is a fire hazard, while Sunsilver AL is a non-hazardous material.
  2. The continuousness of antibacterial and antibacterial power is excellent.
  3. Compared to existing synthetic fungicides, it has an antibacterial effect against a wider range of sterilizations. In addition, resistant bacteria are hard to be created.
  4. It is toxic to microorganisms, but extremely safe for humans and animals.
  5. The silver-specific lasting effect remaining after ethanol evaporation suppresses the reproduction of viruses and bacteria.


It is effective against any virus or bacteria with or without envelopes (fat-soluble shells), and strongly demonstrates the disinfection effect that is the power of silver from the moment it is touched.

Ginion Mizu is also used to prevent legionella contamination in baths, and is attracting attention as a skin-friendly and environmentally friendly sterilization method. It is also less allergic and can be safely used for antimicrobial use of small children, pets and masks.